HOP7 is now on general release, available to purchase from our website by clicking here.
We are immensely grateful to Jacqui Smith and the editorial team for their perseverance over many years in making this edition possible. There are, of course, so many others who have invested exceptionally with their contributions, including authors, the production team at Pages Creative and Tewkesbury Printing Company for manufacturing and distributing the hard copy version.
The considerable costs incurred in producing HOP7 are borne by BackCare and sales of the book are unlikely to cover this outlay in the foreseeable future. Clearly, publishing such output is an important part of our charitable purpose so financial gain is not our primary motivation. However, the reality for any charity is, in common with commercial organisations, to ensure that we have adequate funds to function.
We are, therefore, particularly grateful to organisations who have contributed financially to the costs of producing this latest edition.